Book Preview

A self help book for men and women who have lost their jobs due to the economic slowdown prompted by COVID 19 pandemic.

Written in a simple language and with a  hands on approach, the book addresses issues of mental health, financial management during joblessness. It goes further to help in your job search, additional learning and strongly suggests for a plan B.

Book Chapters

1.       Beating the Stress

Tips on coping with the stress of losing your job. Simple ways to overcome stress, find a sense of purpose and get back your lost confidence.

2.       Get Hold of Your Money       

      Managing limited financial resources during the days of limited or no income. Setting priorities and investing wisely.

3.       Effective Job Search

Explanatory description of recruitment processes and how best to handle them for your benefit. Online job search and various tips and tricks.

4.       Networking Successfully

How to network effectively, online and offline, to secure a job or seek collaboration from connections, colleagues, and people in general. A special section on LinkedIn networking.

5.       Preparing a Good Résumé

Hands on approach to write a good resumé that conveys your information effectively to the recruiter or
future employer. 

6.       Preparing for an Interview

Practical approach to how to get best out of an interview. Answering questions, steering the interview in
your favor and various other tips.

7.       Using the Time to Hone Your Skills

A case for add to your learning while you look for a job. Suggestions for professionals to take up formal courses and trainings online.

8.       Start a Side Hustle

A case for creating a secondary income or a Plan B, that has a potential of becoming your main source
of income in the future.

9.      Getting Most Out of the New Normal

       Tips and suggestions for the “Work from Home” model for jobseekers and small business owners.

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